Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13 - 2009. A cold day in Jacksonville.

Sir Dozer Spillburn, Christmas vacation in Michigan 2008

Well. Here it is. My life in digital format. For those of you who care to read, welcome. My name is Meagen. I lead your average life. I have a cool dog, some killer friends, a pretty sweet boyfriend, and a paying job a half step away from the job I busted my ass for 4 years for. As for this blog... I'm hoping that come January 2010 (twenty ten? two thousand ten? Has anyone discussed the stress of what we're going to call this new year, yet?) I will be able to review my life in 2009 and (ideally) look back on the good times, possibly some of the bad, the changes, and the growth of myself from a personal and professional standpoint. Will we still be in Jacksonville? Will we be living in WoodCreek Apartments? Will we have a successful home brew? Will Dozer still be a mongrel? Will I have a damn account job yet? Who will be engaged, pregnant, or parents by 2010? We'll see where it goes.

And for those who are counting (and you bet your ass I am): 7 days until OBAMA DAY!


  1. Amazing. Again, glad to see you're on-board for the 365 action. This is going to be fun. Keep those posts coming. Good times, Meg.

  2. Even though I live with you daily, I always find enjoyment in your sense of humor in writing. Keep 'em comin. I'm with Frost, this is gonna be fun.
