Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things that bother, irritate, & piss me off.

  • Debt, will always be #1 til it's gone
  • Slow computers, namely MINE.
  • Writing something with pen, then moving the sheet of paper and getting a blob on your finger, or better yet, the perfect transparency of what you wrote tatted onto your appendage.
  • Harassing homeless people (yep, I just went there. Don't care. I'm tired of it. And I'm especially tired of their hootin, hollarin, whistling, and uncompromisable banter about how I look.)
  • People peeing publicly in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. Or peeing in any area that is not a room with a pot in it, for that matter. Just because you have a weiner doesn't mean the whole world needs to see it as you relieve yourself. I've got a vadge, you don't see me flashing it around.
  • The inability to find clothes for girls & women sized over 5'5". See previous blog.
  • Politics. And people who think they're hard-wired to believe in things democratically or republicanny. Get over it. It's just how you were brought up - it doesn't mean you're right.
  • My general inability to find a friend in, or within 1,000 miles, of Jacksonville, Florida.
I'm not out to have a negative post today. Just a few things brought these to light today and I was beginning to lose my head.

Now onto happier things...

Oh, Chicago. We'll be home soon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Man, I suck.

I continue to think, "hey! I'm going to post about this today!" And yet, as soon as that thought comes to mind (generally while at work), the phones instantly start ringing off the hooks and I get busy again. So alas, no blogs.

Not much today either. I'm in a semi-foul mood lately and I can't shake it. However, this is a ray of laughter on an otherwise cloudy day (what?):