Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The best years of your life.

Bobby: So you went to Disney World yesterday, huh? That’s so cool.

Me: Yep.

Bobby: Never been there.

Me: Oh.

Bobby: I’ve been to Orlando. Been to Universal to the Hard Rock. There’s just something so refreshing about being around people. Just having a good time. It’s real cool. It feels good.

Me: Yep.

Bobby: You know, I used to do maintenance at a high school! It felt a lot like that. The kids? They used to call me “Cool Guy.” It was real cool. [Insert Family Guy: GIGGITY! Here].It made me feel like I was back in high school. It was a great feeling.

Well, I guess that would explain the 1980 Corvette, huh?

The logic behind Subway's "smokin'" good deal.

Another Wednesday morning, staring out the window and seeing the typical view: homeless checker bets, leaf blowers dragging their job hours out as long as possible, and Subway Dude outside for his 3rd cigarette of the morning (yes, it’s 10:11 a.m.). Bobby walks in.

Bobby: Out there smokin’ with his friend, again.

Me: He’s always out there.

Bobby: You know, I’ve been getting him a pack of smokes and he gives me a sandwich. That’s our deal. But I’m trying to cut back on eating. Plus…(gets quiet, as if about to share a secret…) I’m kinda gettin’ tired of their sandwiches. Plus – cigarette prices went up!

Me: So don’t get him cigarettes. Who cares.

Bobby: Well, he can’t afford cigarettes. That’s why he gives me a sandwich.

Me: It’s not your problem.

Bobby: Well… I’ll see if I’m hungry later.