Thursday, April 2, 2009

More work shenanigan's.

I don't know why my work nickname is Shenanigan's, when it's the ridiculous crap that happens around this place that is the real hootenanny (yep, it's a party, alright. All day every day).

B: Hey they’ve got sandwiches upstairs leftover, do you want me to go grab you anything?

Me: No, I’m alright. Thanks, though.

B: Yeah, me too. This diet thing. I had four Krystal’s at lunch. I’ve got serious gut bomb.


Pause for effect. Yep, that happened.

And the other day?

Bumbling B comes gallivanting through the doors for the 3,761st time today, walks over to the counter and sniffs the candle.

B: It smells like a high school.......... A high school gym locker in here..... Huh.huhuhuhhhh.(his laugh, that's the best I can spell it out).

Bumbling B walks in about 45 minutes ago and this conversation ensues:

B-squared: Do you know much about computers?
Me: Yeah.
B-squared: What does the word 'reboot' mean? My computer last night told me I need to 'reboot the system.'
Me: Restart it.
B-squared: Yeah. I'll try that. I thought that might be it.

Welcome to my life.