Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Day Eve Eve

Fun weekend ahead!

Okay week behind!


Laura's grandmother passed away yesterday morning, early. Rest in peace, Grandma Betty.

Dozer has started running alongside us during bike rides this week.

Work has had it's ups and downs... nothing terrible. Nothing a good lunch-vent couldn't take care of, anyway. Our director of account services is officially leaving the company as of March 13th... to move into a position that is perfect for him. He's a very artsy guy, and this will allow him a lot of artistic freedom and happiness in his new venture.

People still pee and stare at me from the bushes outside of the office.

No crazy people at work this week, thankfully.

I've almost got my tax information collected, and it appears I'm going to be leaps and BOUNDS ahead of where I am now as far as paying off a credit card. WOOT to me (and see other blog!)!

SEVEN DAYS UNTIL BOSTON! ONE WEEK FROM TOMORROW MORNING WE WILL BE TOUCHING DOWN AT SNOWY LOGAN INTERNATIONAL! YAYAYAYAYAYYYY! I cannot WAIT to see Amanda, Theo, and the beautiful city and all of it's beer-drinking greatness!

Tomorrow: Work, KICKBACKS... beer me!!!
Saturday: Hiking @ Little Talbot Island with the Doze and the BF, driving around Riverside for a new home, shmancy dinner with the BF somewhere of his choosing, concert @ The Pit.
Sunday: RISE N SHINE at 3:30 a.m. or so..... get out to the beach at 4:45 a.m. to volunteer for the Donna Breast Cancer Marathon (26.2 With Donna)! WOO HOO! I'm excited, really... though it'll be rough showing it at 4 a.m. Afternoon? Grocery shopping (ick). And RELAXING.

So that's where I'll be this weekend!

OH! And I've got a new phone number as of next week... so ask for that (to my three loyal viewers, haha). Also means NO MORE PHONE BILL FOR ME! MONEY IN DA BANK, SHAWTY WHAT YA DRANK!


Have fun at the Lupe show tonight, B! Can't wait to see a few pics. I'm sure it'll be a blast.

Until next time...

Don't even try to challenge Dozer in his badassness.


  1. Awesome picture. Unfortunately, cameras were not allowed in the auditorium. This didn't stop my friend from bringing his in, although he was stopped about 2 songs into Asher Roth's set by a "security guard." So no shots. Good show, though. I thought it would've been a bit longer; Otherwise t'was swagtastic. Ya dig?

  2. Dozer is pretty bad ass. Probably the most bad ass. I know this because I live with him too. Plus his name is Dozer. Who would ever challenge a dog with a name like that? Sounds like we have a pretty awesome weekend on deck. Stoked!
