Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mini advertising, gigantic impression.

I think that advertising is pretty neat. Obviously, I studied it for four years, and have been working in it for three at this juncture. But this is the latest that has me impressed. Mini advertising is always outstanding. Always interesting, intriguing... all the things a good ad should be. Well done.

Ever get those days when you feel like everyone is annoyed with you? I'm having one of those... and I totally don't get why. But it's driving me nuts. I feel like everyone at work is ready to freak out on me for no reason.

Maybe more later? You never do know.

1 comment:

  1. That Mini campaign is amazing. Wow. I wish I could get my hands on one of those magazine ads and try it out.

    Dozer is hilarious. I thought my dog freaked out by running infinity signs in our backyard.

    I'm glad you both enjoyed the Slumdog. I need to go see it. Bad.

    I'll give you a ring a little later on in the week. Got a lot of stuff to do still.
