Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Here's the thing when it comes to different social and political issues. Your personal beliefs are hindering my ideal society. You take abortion and make it into your moral issue, it is anything but, its a choice for her alone, get the fuck out of her business. You still dwell on 9/11 and revenge. So someone in your family was "murdered" and you want Gitmo to remain open. Despite the constitution which states the natural laws which we "all" are entitled too. Do you even know the Bill of Rights? Forgive those who trespass on you you bigot. You think not being in Iraq counts as a loss. What the hell is it with Americans and losing? Losing, we've already lost. About $7.4 million an hour. You have screwed your and my future children for life. We want to make America strong. Wanna make it strong, build new schools, hire better teachers, help impoverished cities, invest in stem cell research, ect. it is so obvious. We can't continue this level of consumption. Why can't you see this? You might be fundie. In which case don't talk to me. I relish your individualism but I hate you when your with your pals. Think for yourself fascist. Around 11% of your countrymen, Americas children, our brothers and sisters go to bed hungry every night. Lets focus our resources in other directions. Make a stranger smile today. Breath. Being a productive member of society is more than going to your job, paying your taxes, then cracking a beer while you watch the new season of 24, or Real World. That's your world, not the real world. It is small, uninteresting, boring, and hopeless.... A F-150 pickup / assault rife is no substitute for a small prick you prick. Don't even get me started on your failed drug policies. Ron Paul, sorry to say had it right on the Robert Downey Jr. Show. Helicopter parents, STOP!!! sheltering your children. You can't get back your innocence but the world is anything but innocent. Let them learn that....."
-Nick Faccini, classmate at GVSU

Minus being angry, I mostly share in the sentiment. I'm over all of the nay-sayers (the few that are trying to bring people down from yesterdays high). Yesterday was a country of happiness. People from all over the world were coming HERE to share in this celebration saying that they're JEALOUS of NOT being an American! So shut your asses and keep your pessimism to yourself for a little while. We had 8 years to get that pissed at Bush, and with reason. Maybe Obama isn't going to fix anything, but I can't see it getting any worse. He's a good person, and for that alone, I trust his judgment.

Maybe all for the day? Who knows.

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