Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things that bother, irritate, & piss me off.

  • Debt, will always be #1 til it's gone
  • Slow computers, namely MINE.
  • Writing something with pen, then moving the sheet of paper and getting a blob on your finger, or better yet, the perfect transparency of what you wrote tatted onto your appendage.
  • Harassing homeless people (yep, I just went there. Don't care. I'm tired of it. And I'm especially tired of their hootin, hollarin, whistling, and uncompromisable banter about how I look.)
  • People peeing publicly in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. Or peeing in any area that is not a room with a pot in it, for that matter. Just because you have a weiner doesn't mean the whole world needs to see it as you relieve yourself. I've got a vadge, you don't see me flashing it around.
  • The inability to find clothes for girls & women sized over 5'5". See previous blog.
  • Politics. And people who think they're hard-wired to believe in things democratically or republicanny. Get over it. It's just how you were brought up - it doesn't mean you're right.
  • My general inability to find a friend in, or within 1,000 miles, of Jacksonville, Florida.
I'm not out to have a negative post today. Just a few things brought these to light today and I was beginning to lose my head.

Now onto happier things...

Oh, Chicago. We'll be home soon.


  1. "I'm from a city in the Mid-West, best city in the whole wide, wide world."

    Also, I couldn't find a definition for "vadge" anywhere in the dictionary. I still laughed, though.

  2. HEY, MEG!!! Thanks for the dual Joe-Y and As I Lay Dying shout-outs. Crazy news. Well, I'm about ready for an after midnight snack and a bed. I'll talk to you laters.
