Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Never a dull moment in advertising land...

B: Man, it smells like Lysol in here.

Me: (feeling OCD, because I AM and don’t want to get sick for my visitors!!!!!!!) Yeah, I just sprayed some because this woman just came in sneezing and coughing.

B: I had a can of Lysol. It was one of those little ones. I couldn’t find it anywhere. Sure ‘nuff, I gave up on it figuring it was just gone… then I found it under my bed!

Me: Isn’t that somethin’.

B: Same thing with this big bag of new socks I had!

Me: (thinking: F-ING EWWWWWWWWW) ……….Are they by the Lysol by your bed?

B: Yep they were! I’ve got a pretty good memory. I just dunno where I put stuff!


Story from Bobby, regarding the Scotty “Pooped Himself” Store.

Homeless Man whom hasn’t showered in weeks, or more, is hanging out at Scotty Store (not the unusual part).

Homeless Man won’t leave.

Scotty Store Owner tells him to get out.

Scotty Store Owner fills bucket.

Scotty Store Owner tosses bucket full of water at Homeless Man, screaming, “I’ll give you a shower!!!!!!! Get out!!!!!!”

Bobby comes back to the office, chuckling and spitting out the story, while handing me a can of Diet Pepsi from the SS.

I’ve got a friend.

1 comment:

  1. "I've got a friend."

    Haha. Awesome commentary. I love it. LOVE it.
