Saturday was 18 (well...16) holes of golf. It was fantastic - great shots, good beer, good people, good fun... I can't believe that I actually hit the ball straight after not touching my clubs in months. Apparently I'm getting good at flexing my beer muscle...because I never used to be able to drink and golf at the same time.
"Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam..."
Today was doggie dog park, grocery shopping, cleaning a bit, and making our fried food. I don't even want to talk about the fried food fiasco... because everyone is in aching pain from the food that we all ate. Gross. But it was nice being social and going out for the super bowl game :)
This is the most outrageous episode of The Office, ever. Oh boy.
Nice photo. Glad you had an amazing weekend and enjoyed a lil' Super Bowl/Office action. I caught the first half of the episode. Don't tell me what happened. I still need to catch up on the entire new season. HA!