Friday, January 16, 2009
So, on the note of getting out of the office for the weekend. Here is my story for the week in the life of a phone girl downtown Jacksonville.
Flannelled man walks in with a limp after peering into window at me.
Flannel: Hiya ma’am yallshirn?
Me: Hi there, can I help you?
Flannel: Yes ma’am, yallshirnmnn?
Me: What was that, I’m sorry?
Flannel: Yallshirnmnmm!
Me: What.
JoAnn walks around corner.
JoAnn: Can I help you?
Flannel: Yallshirnmmn?
JoAnn: Excuse me?
Flannel: (hands over a crumpled sheet of paper) I need your signature. I gots to keep my food stamps comin. Yall any jobs?
JoAnn: No we do not.
Flannel: Well I need your signature. I neejatuh sign dis. Right here! Sign dis sayin I came in tuh get a job and you said no! I gots tuh keep my food stamps comin. I gots to eat!
JoAnn: I’m not signing your paper, you didn’t apply for anything.
Flannel: I GOTS TO EAT! Just sign this paypuh sayin I came in for a job! You don’t have no job! I need my stamps! I just gots to get 12 signatures.
JoAnn: (Stares at him, his aroma filling the air like a wet dog tearing into a garbage bag of leftover eggs) I’ll sign your paper. Don’t come back.
Flannel: Thank you ma’am! Thank you! Happy new year!
Yep. That all happened. Like I said, I need to make a comic strip and mail it around to the office. Apparently I'm the office riot, too bad this shit is true and not just a made up funny joke. I guess it makes it funnier.
On another note. Justin clued me into PF blogs. I think I might start a second blog alongside this project, one focused on becoming debt free. I'm serious about it, and it sounds so motivational. And I think posting a blog and tracking my results may get me even more motivated. If only I could get my cards gone to $0 within a few months, I'd be able to focus on the student loan and car payoffs only. That would be AMAZING. Not to mention a personal wedding fund that would be nice to have started.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I am just in a SUPERB mood.
I'm tired of ringing phones.
I'm tired of pissed off clients.
I'm over being cold in Florida.
I'm WAY over not having any normal people in this town to hang out with, other than my boyfriend and Dozer (which, bt, is not a problem, it would just be nice to grow the group at some point).
When did my attitude take a nose dive, today? Wtf.
Another comic strip to add to the Dalton collection. The following is from Day 4:
Skirted person meanders into the office while I’m making a call to replace toner.
Me: “Good afternoon, one second!”
Skirted person: (Fiddles by awards/trophies like Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight)
Me: (Putting phone on hold) “I’m sorry, ma’am… can I help you with something?”
Skirted person: (Yanks on office door)
Me: “Can I help you?”
Skirted person: (slowly walks towards me, now I can see that the barrette is holding a fake weave, the skirt is tattered, sunglasses are on inside the office, and……….SURPRISE! Skirted person is a MAN!) “What kind of agency is this?”
Me: “We do advertising and marketing.”
Skirted MAN: “Do you do demographics?”
Me: “What.”
Skirted MAN: (Turns around and leaves, leaving his FRESH aroma in his wake. And when I say fresh….. I mean I reached down for the bottle of Room Freshening Spray in Citrus Fresco that Ammy left behind).
Happy Day 4 to me.
The sad thing is that this is literally what happens. This isn't even exaggerating just for being funny. I wish I were a drawer (draw-er, drawwer, one who draws, not the sliding cabinet), so I could whip some funny shit on the fly.
So despite my bad mood... my mood just increased 217 points because I just got PAIDDDD TODAY! Turns out not having a state tax is THE BOMB for my check! WOOT!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Posting backwards: First day at Dalton, Jan 5-09

So I have started my new job in Florida at the place I was interning with, the Dalton Agency. Guess I did something right. Just as I was getting to my wits end with this whole Jacksonville - thing, the job comes through in the clutch! Woo! So mostly my day consists of a whole lotta "Dalton Agency, good morning" and smiling. And sorting mail. But at the very least, I'm outside of WoodCreek, and I'm seeing human beings on a daily basis... which is nice. Except that our office is downtown. By the courthouse. Next to a park. That homeless people mingle about in and prostitution used to occur daily, particularly on Saturday's at 11 a.m., on the corner approximately 100 feet away (this is what my USPS delivery man told me... I wouldn't question this guy. You wouldn't either).
Well, here's my memorable Day 1 at Dalton:
Two members of the community just came rollin up in with their backpacks, sneakers, and one-leg of the sweat pants rolled up. This is the conversation that ensued:
Two girls: "What is dis?"
Me: "This is the Dalton Agency. We're an advertising and marketing business."
Two girls: "What do you do here?"
Me: "We do advertising.... (blank looks received).... for clients in Jacksonville.. like TV... radio... "
Two girls: "Oh. How do you get in the club?"
Me: "What."
Two girls: "Yall hirin?"
Me: "No."
Did I mention the girl had a yellow/gold grille in her teeth?
Happy first day to me.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
January 13 - 2009. A cold day in Jacksonville.
Well. Here it is. My life in digital format. For those of you who care to read, welcome. My name is Meagen. I lead your average life. I have a cool dog, some killer friends, a pretty sweet boyfriend, and a paying job a half step away from the job I busted my ass for 4 years for. As for this blog... I'm hoping that come January 2010 (twenty ten? two thousand ten? Has anyone discussed the stress of what we're going to call this new year, yet?) I will be able to review my life in 2009 and (ideally) look back on the good times, possibly some of the bad, the changes, and the growth of myself from a personal and professional standpoint. Will we still be in Jacksonville? Will we be living in WoodCreek Apartments? Will we have a successful home brew? Will Dozer still be a mongrel? Will I have a damn account job yet? Who will be engaged, pregnant, or parents by 2010? We'll see where it goes.
And for those who are counting (and you bet your ass I am): 7 days until OBAMA DAY!