Friday, July 17, 2009
Mother of the year.
He says, "I just walked by a mom and baby getting into a car, and I notice that the baby has a helmet on.
"I think to myself, 'Why does a kid that young have a helmet on? Weird.’
"Then the mom goes to put the kid in the car, and whacks it's head on the car doorframe."
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
It's so hot my cookies are meltin'!
In walks B-squared.
Me: Yep.
B: huhhuhhhheehhhhehhhh… wanna cookie?
Me: I’m straight.
B: huhhuhuhh… Man, it’s hot out there. These cookies are so fresh they are out the oven and melted outside! It’s so hot that I had to wash my hair in the sink next door.
Me: [….taking a half second to realize that this is B I’m talking to, so I gaze up at his scalp…. Yup. Sure enough…] It’s not quite that serious out there.
B: huhhuhhuhuuuhuhu!!!!!huuuhhhhhu!!!!!!hhhuhuhhhuhuhuhuhuhuhhu!hhuuhuhuhhhh!!!