Friday we visited a new place (for us) called Kickbacks. It was badass... it's totally a Michigan style bar, through and through. I can't wait for next Friday to go there again :)
Saturday was a good day. Got up and took the Doze to the doggy park to hang out with other Boxer's. After that, went and had a DEEEELISH submarine sandwich from Firehouse Subs. Mike went his separate way for his bands photo shoot. I, on the other hand, took Dozer and myself out to drive down A1A for a little road trip. We ended up in St. Augustine after a rather dramatic drive where I needed to find a bathroom STAT as did Dozer..... as evidenced by the pee on my door. Cool. So we got down there, walked around at Vilano Beach.... and watched Dozer dig himself a wild-man-style hole (where he whips himself into a frenzy, thrashing sand all over and flipping around in circles... kinda like this:)
After this little drive, we headed home to hang out at the apartment for a bit. We went to see Slumdog Millionaire last night. GREAT movie. It really is worth all the praise and accolades that people have been giving it. I was hoping that it wasn't going to be one of those feelings afterwards like "god everyone's hyped this shit up so much, now it just sucks." Nope, not at all. It really is a great movie. Great concept, great story, great execution. It's just so crazy to step outside of the little box that is your life, even if it is only in the form of seeing a movie like this. This is people's lives. And we couldn't even imagine... what they've seen... what they've lived through... how they live on a daily basis.
Today? Good day, all around. Got up early (for a Sunday).. got the Walmart trip and tax crap out of the way before 11 a.m. From there, we cleaned up the apartment for a bit. We ran around town and checked out what's new in the retail world. Circuit City is going out of business, so we checked out two of those. I have always wanted a GPS in my car... and soooo....
Watchin the Grammy's, now! Travis Barker as well as Mark & Tom made their appearance together.... to announce they're getting back together! We'll see how that goes. Good to see something like what happened to Travis (plane crash) not stop him from doing what he loves.
At this juncture, we have some exciting visitors coming to town in the next two months! Mitch & Jenn want to come down at the end of this month... my parents + Kaitlyn and possibly my grandma want to come the first week of April... and Katrina wants to come the weekend my family leaves! YAYYYAYAYAYYY!! I'm so excited to see familiar faces, soon!
Took Doze out on his first bike ride tonight. It was a complete SUCCESS! YES! That means the beach cruisers are coming out of retirement and back to the beach! He did great, trotting/jogging right alongside Mike's bike. The only trouble was the way back from the Gate when I was in front, where Dozer decided to do like his Siberian Husky cousins and pull Mike like he were an Iditerod Dog Sled Champion Leader. Pretty funny, regardless.
Time to wind down this Sunday... we'll see where the week takes us :) TWELVE DAYS UNTIL BOSTON, HERE WE COME!
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